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Meet the travelers

Be the reason your patients are prepared against mosquito-borne diseases—
wherever they go.

Get started on Vihaan's visit home

It only took one bite to ruin the reunion

Vihaan moved from India to the US for medical school 9 years ago. With his residency wrapping up, he's returning to see his family and friends for the first time in almost a decade.


Slide to percentage

What percentage of India’s population lives in an area where mosquito-borne diseases are endemic?


Yes! 95% of India’s population lives in an area where mosquito-borne diseases are endemic. Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travelers like Vihaan should seek pretravel health advice even if they are returning to their land of origin.1

Not quite. 95% of India’s population lives in an area where mosquito-borne diseases are endemic. Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travelers like Vihaan should seek pretravel health advice even if they are returning to their land of origin.1


True or false?

VFR make up a significant portion of international travel

Yes! In 2016, 44% of international travelers from the US listed "visiting friends and relatives" as a reason for travel.2

Actually, 44% of international travelers from the US listed "visiting friends and relatives" as a reason for travel in 2016.2

Select all that apply

VFR travelers experience a high incidence of disease due to which factors?

Impressive! All these factors contribute to why VFR travelers experience a higher incidence of travel-related illness, such as mosquito-borne disease, compared with other travelers.1

Almost. Actually, all these factors contribute to why VFR travelers experience a higher incidence of travel-related illness, such as mosquito-borne disease, compared with other travelers.2

True or false?

Less than 30% of VFR travelers have a pretravel health consultation

Precisely! Travelers like Vihaan may not feel it is necessary to get a pretravel health consultation because they are visiting friends and relatives.2

Not quite. Many travelers like Vihaan may not feel it is necessary to get a pretravel health consultation because they are visiting friends and relatives.2

True or false?

Half of severe malaria cases in the US occurred in travelers returning from visiting friends and relatives

You got it! In 2014, 51% of severe cases of malaria in the US occurred in returning VFR travelers.2

Actually, 51% of severe cases of malaria in the US occurred in returning VFR travelers in 2014.2


Ask your VFR travelers, like Vihaan, about their reunion plans to recommend specific protection measures that may address their unique risks.

Raise awareness and educate travelers about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases to better prepare them for healthy travels

Emphasize the importance of personal protection measures and bite avoidance

If appropriate, recommend available vaccines and medications

References: 1. Small bite: big threat. World Health Organization. Accessed March 13, 2023. 2. Keystone JS. Chapter 9: Travel for work & other reasons: visiting friends & relatives: VFR travel. In: Brunette GW, Nemhauser JB, eds. CDC Yellow Book 2020. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated June 24, 2019. Accessed March 13, 2023.